Afton Williamson Deixa A Série Por Agressão E Diferenciação Racial 1

Afton Williamson Deixa A Série Por Agressão E Diferenciação Racial

A atriz americana Afton Williamson, confirmou sua saída da série The Rookies, devido às agressões sexuais, intimidação e diferenciação racial por parcela do elenco e da equipe de geração, durante as filmagens da primeira temporada. I will not be returning for Season dois of The Rookie. I owe it to you my amazing fãs to share the Truth. Throughout the filming of the pilot, I experienced Racial Discrimination/Racially Charged inappropriate comments from the hair department and bullying from Executivo Producers.

During the Season, it continued along with Sexual Harassment from a recurring guest star and the racistas commentary & bullying from the Hair Dept. Head escalated into Sexual Assault at our Wrap party.The Sexual Harassment though que reported directly to the Showrunner/EP remained undocumented and was not reported to HR as promised.

The Hair Dept. Head was disparada ONLY after the sexual assault and NOT for an inteira year of outward racism/racially charged language and bullying behavior in and out of the Hair and Makeup trailer. HR protocol was never adhered to following the above reports given by me to my Showrunner/EP and an investigation was never issued for any of my claims. The only time ” I was asked to participate in an investigation was after meeting I called in June following our Season dois announcement.

This meeting included the Showrunner two and other producers as well as my agent and SAG-AFTRA Union Rep. It was clear to all present in the meeting that the Showrunner had not my shared reports with the any of the producers. After my initial report of sexual harassment, I was assured that the ator would be fired.

  1. Vêm em um atraente e requintado estojo perfeitamente colocados. Melhor para presente
  2. New 212 VIP Fragance for Woman (2010)
  3. um O robusto chefão (Quota I e II)
  4. onze a dezoito
  5. Robert Pattinson e Kristen Stewart estarão fora do novo ‘Crepúsculo’
  6. 1 Maquilhagem de dia
  7. “O cobra” 716 (8/dia)

I was also asked to film with him the very next day as a courtesy to the script, even though que we had not begun filming the episode yet. This ator reappeared on our call sheet at the end of the season, I was even written in scenes with him.

I asked the Showrunner about this and he admitted to me that the ator had not been disparada nor had eu gotten HR involved. I was asked to return this season, and promised that “everything was handled.” The investigation hadn’t even begun and Season dois had already started filming. I turned it down and I walked. Now is the best time in the world to be a woman and I have a platform so it’s time to use my Voice. Strength comes from within. It comes from Above.

Tais como, quando você faz esporte. Não, eu prefiro sair para correr sem nada. Só os meus óculos de sol. Qual conselho você daria pras criancinhas que começam tuas carreiras como padrão? É um universo muito competitivo e cada vez há mais gurias no mercado.

Eu tenho um programa de modelos, na Alemanha, e a cada ano há mais pretendentes, cada uma mais atraente que a anterior. O que podemos descobrir sempre na sua bolsa? Você tem qualquer padrão de mulher? Me perguntam todo o tempo, contudo a verdade é que quando eu cresci não me concentrava em modelos, atores ou pessoas de revistas.

Estava mais interessado em outras coisas, como a dança. Não se trata de um site, mas que só damos pequenas dicas e assim como não sou eu, entretanto o meu micro computador. Não o mundo todo pode gabar-se de ser como tu Qual é o teu segredo? Não acho que haja um segredo, não há dúvida que a gente domina como pegar partido e de que há que ter hábitos saudáveis.
